The Misconceptions of Homeschool

Homeschooling our girls was not a thought until about five years ago. But then, there were many long conversations, research on different options, and, most importantly, prayer for guidance and peace about our next move.

I am the product of the public school, and everyone in my family is an educator. I was a teacher in a public school before founding, Educationally Speaking Center for Learning, Inc., and my husband is also an educator. Choosing a different route for our girls was nerve-racking, but we knew we had to do something if we wanted different results.

Since we started this journey, I have always received a lot of questions, such as: How will your children socialize? What curriculum are you using? How are you going to find time to homeschool the girls? Is that legal? Will they be on the same level as their peers? Is public school not good enough? Will they receive a diploma like children who are in REAL school? Can they play sports with regular children? Who is going to teach them? Will homeschooling your girls affect them mentally and emotionally? Also, the famous question (always directed at my girls when we are out during the day) why are you out of school today? 


I get it. Homeschooling is not popular when you have public, charter, and private schools to choose from. It is also misunderstood because of the misconceptions about homeschooling. When we decided to homeschool, I knew there would be questions and side-eyes from people who did not understand our decision to homeschool. Because of this, I wanted to tackle a few common misconceptions about homeschooling:

  1. Your children will not be able to socialize. Listen to me loud and clear. We have been homeschooling for years, and my daughters have had more play dates, birthday party invites, and outings in the past two months than they have had their entire time on Earth. My children are very social. I do not want another invitation or playdate. (I am kidding. I think.) This mama is tired. I schedule homeschool field trips with other mamas, we partner with another homeschool family once a week, and my children serve in the community.

  2. They will not receive a diploma like children in an entire school. What is a real school? Homeschool is real and is recognized as an alternative to traditional education. I am just educating my children in a different setting. I am certified in reading, curriculum and instruction, special education, and general education. My children will receive a diploma, and they are eligible for scholarships because of the homeschool model we chose.

  3. Homeschool is not legal. Yes, it is. Every state has requirements that homeschool families must adhere to. Following those guidelines makes your child's education valid.

  4. Black families do not homeschool. It is only for white people. I believe there is a misconception from other races and sometimes even within our race that homeschooling is not the norm for black families. Over the last few years, research shows that the black homeschool community is growing. It is not a trend but a conscious decision that black families make. The numbers have doubled within the last few years, and according to the National HomeEducation Research Institute, about 220,000 black children are homeschooled. Black families make up about 10% of homeschoolers and are the fastest-growing demographics in homeschooling. Black families homeschool, and we are rocking!

  5. Your children are at home all day. Not my children. Homeschool can be done anywhere. We make learning fun. For us, homeschooling looks different every day. We have a schedule we follow, but we may go to the park, library, my building, or the coffee shop to do work. We also incorporate field trips and hands-on learning experiences. For example, one day, my youngest was able to ring up groceries at Publix, and she loved it.

  6. I am not rich enough to homeschool. Neither am I! My husband and I prayed, researched different options, sacrificed, and cut back on spending. You do not need to be rich to homeschool; you need a plan. Talk with your spouse/significant other about your options and what you can do to make it work. Do what's best for your family. If this is something that you want, make it work!

The lack of information about homeschooling causes misconceptions. Homeschool children are just like children who attend public, private, and charter schools. Parents like me just chose to take an alternative route to their child's education. It is not about what environment our children learn in; it is about the result. 

All that matters is that my children are socially, emotionally, mentally, and morally sound children who will impact the world with their God-given gifts. There is no right or wrong way, just the best way for us.


Reading vs Recall

