Assistive Technology: It’s all about the Access
As a special education teacher, my job is to provide students with access to the curriculum. However, every child has a specific need, and it is up to me to make sure that I accommodate them.
One way is through Assistive Technology. AT is any item, piece of equipment, or product system, whether acquired commercially off the shelf, modified, or customized, used to increase, maintain, or improve the functional capabilities of children with disabilities.
Assistive technology expands a child’s learning opportunity, helps them meet instructional goals outlined in their IEP, allows them to be productive and independent, and enables them to access the curriculum alongside their peers.
When you hear Assistive “technology,” your mind probably thinks about a device like a computer or iPad. AT is much more than that. When used correctly, AT devices can support students, increase their independence, and give them access to the curriculum.
There are so many options to choose from. For example, there are low-tech devices (sticky notes, small whiteboards, pencil grips, timers, manual wheelchairs, books on CD, etc.) and high-tech devices (text-to-speech software, power wheelchairs, speech recognition software, augmentative communication tools, etc.)
If you’re a parent with a special needs child, you must consider every opportunity to ensure your child is successful—partner with your child’s school team to meet and determine if your child qualifies for AT.
Some questions you should ask are:
What are the specific needs and challenges? In what academic skill areas do they struggle?
How will the AT device give the child access to the curriculum?
Can this device be used at school and home?
Based on my child’s disability, is a low-tech or high-tech device the best option?
What training is required to use the device?
How long will the solution be appropriate?
And, always remember that the best solution may not be the most technologically advanced, but the one that gives your child access to the curriculum.